Blog : worth

A small website hiccup means you get a SNEAK PEEK!!!! Which is almost as exciting as the full project, riiiiiiiight?! This beauty (sometimes beast) is full of heart! That’s how life goes sometimes, isn’t it? Give it your best… sometimes it doesn’t go as planned, sometimes unexpected victories happen that keep hope alive and sometimes you gotta really fight for what you want. But almost always, if you push through and remind yourself that what you are doing is worth it, then the sacrifices & moments of frustration seem to have a lot less weight. I choose to keep building this thing brick by brick, with the finished product always in mind. Otherwise the bricks start to lose their magic and you forget what you were working so hard for. Every brick, every moment, every set back & small victory are a significant part of the end result. My dream is worth it, I am worth it!
#michigan #grandrapids #personalstylist #fashion #fashionstylist #fashionblogger #stylist #website #worth #personalshopper #dreamchaser #girlboss

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Photo taken at: Grand Rapids, Michigan

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