Blog : workingmom

You are enough. You are worth investing in. Your dreams are worth taking the risk for. The things that bring you life are important! As a mom I’ve carried this thought that I’ll be frowned upon for wearing too many hats… that raising my kids and building a career shouldn’t go hand in hand. For so long I fought fear that my kids would feel put on the shelf if I sacrificed even a moment of my time with them to invest in a career. Or that they would turn out to be wretched little humans if I didn’t give up everything and give them ALL of me.
I was wrong. The people who made me feel shame for wanting more than being a stay-at-Home-mom were wrong. I’ve learned that a child who knows they’re loved & feels secure, is there cheering mama on to become a success in her endeavors! Mamas success is theirs to celebrate too!
When Delaney says I’m a great stylist, I feel humbled. When I get to buy the kids something fun with my earned money, I feel proud. When I take a step back and I realize that the dreams in my heart were put there by a God who calls me worthy, deserving & capable, I understand that He also equipped me to walk through motherhood & my career with grace and balance. Moms are bosses.
Photo: @kelseyhettinga

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•”In life we can dread the sacrifice or we can anticipate the reward.”• Ya know when you hear something that seems to bust through your chest and grab ahold of your heart? Those little truths are the stepping stones through seasons of my life. They’re the pefect bite sized but profound truths that shift my perspective just enough to keep me moving forward & my heart in check. That quote from @christybwright got me!! How many times are we so focused on the sacrifices we have to make that the reward is hardly visible? Dang girl, if there’s anything I’ve learned through starting a business it is that the reward MUST stay front and center, when it gets cloudy there’s suddenly all this space for doubt and fear to completely hinder momentum. Of course there are areas where certain sacrifices must be balanced with wisdom – for me, my kids top the charts. Sacrificing the year I have left before West starts school is front and center, I won’t sacrifice that time with him… but I WILL balance it because both he & my growing business hold reward! I can’t get that year with him back but it also doesn’t become my excuse not to DO what is in my heart to do. When I choose to work away from home it doesn’t mean that I’m a bad mom or that I’m sacrificing all my mama responsibilities; it mean that I’m equally valuing myself as a woman and business owner and making money to help support my family is good both for them and for me! And can I just say mamas, I’ve heard the ‘shoulds’ about being a full time stay at home mom… it’s hard to ignore them and stay confident that what you’re doing is right for you & your family. For those of you called to the full time at home role, BLESS YOU! Flourish there, your sacrifice will be honored! And for those of you like me, don’t let anyone squelch your fire for being mama and boss, you are graced to do it! Find your balance, weigh your sacrifices, be mama when your babes need you & boss when there’s peace in your home! I believe in you, sincerely. Keep doing what you are called to do and be fierce at it! ? @kaleighdsimmonsphoto

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Photo taken at: Grand Rapids, Michigan

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