Blog : summergirl

Strollin… cuz guys this boyfriend jacket that I swooped from my hubs closet is and makes me a happy gal!
I bought it for him, it’s vintage and I found it at a sweet spot in CA on the coast! Definitely has some sentimental attachment and you better believe that I’m all about hanging onto the sentiment it holds of the SD sunshine! Warm sunshine + oversized Levi jacket + iced coffee sounds like the life for me! ? by @helloimemmaquinn (always, cuz she’s also the!) .
#grandrapids #michigan #fashion #levis #denim #fashionstylist #personalstylist #personalshopper #stylist #livstyled #summergirl #imageconsultant #icedcoffee

Instagram filter used: Gingham

Photo taken at: Grand Rapids, Michigan

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