Blog : goals

These three. I have never second guessed pressing pause on my career to give them all of my heart, I think that’s because I never let myself stop dreaming. That doesn’t mean I didn’t fight with thoughts of doubt – I definitely did. A lot of women feel like they lose their dreams when ‘mama’ becomes their title, understandably so! The demand to be present and available for them doesn’t leave much free time to invest in ourselves as women apart from being a mom. But can I just throw this out there… choosing to be a mom first in no way disqualifies you from chasing after your dreams! They might get a little dusty but they’ll still be there when you’re ready to pursue them! And for mom’s who need to work to provide, that doesn’t discount you as a mother! Finding the balance is HARD! I continue to see women show up, give it their everything in their careers and at home and seriously right now, y’all are BOSSES. I’m just really proud of so many of you for doing what you can to hold onto your dreams through the sacrifice of raising kids & when the time comes for YOU to shine, God honors the sacrifice and it doesn’t go unnoticed by those around you. I’ve become a pillar of strength in my kids eyes, a place of refuge & peace – someone I wasn’t familiar with before my kids helped me see that that’s part of who I am to my core. Raising those babes is a beautiful sacrifice! #proudmom #mompreneur ? @kelseyhettinga

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Photo taken at: Grand Rapids, Michigan

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I am a country born city girl and my heart belongs to both of those worlds! Driving down a dirt road enveloped by a canopy of color splashed trees or taking a stroll surrounded by sky rise buildings and coffee shops filled with busy people both offer me fulfillment. I want to own chickens. I also want to own every Kate Spade backpack ever made. Siiiigggh… life goals.
? @helloimemmaquinn
#grandrapids #michigan #california #style #stylist #personalstylist #personalshopper #citygirl #countrygirl #fashion #ootd #whatiwore #wardrobe #cozy #goals

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Photo taken at: Grand Rapids, Michigan

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Here are 2 of my little humans! (And also my incredibly smiley face, wow. I assure you no children were eaten in the process of getting this photo! Only nibbled.) Weston & Delaney. A big part of this adventure is being authentic and consistent to who I am. These kids (and my big one, Ryder, he was as school when this was taken… who told him to go there?!) are my priority, my exhausting and beautiful full time job! I’ve learned more about myself by raising these little’s than I ever imagined was possible! I’ve felt greater appreciation for the simple things that I would have just passed by unnoticed before, I have more vision for who I want to become & the greatest sense of belonging I’ve ever experienced! These kids are forgiving, gracious, generous, very (very) silly and they’re authentic. They aren’t afraid to stand up for what they believe in and they’re sure they can accomplish whatever they put their minds to. Yeah, I wanna be like them. Plus, look at ’em!! Uug. They melt me.
#family #grandrapids #michigan #style #stylist #mom #kids #love #trainthemup #little #cozy #darling #thatsdarling #adventure #life #goals

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Photo taken at: Grand Rapids, Michigan

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