Blog : determined

•Worry about loving yourself instead of loving the idea of other people loving you• Easier said than done sometimes, huh? We all strive for acceptance & validation – we were created with a need for those things! The problem is when we try and attain them by being someone we think others might love and are too insecure to be who we really are with fear of rejection.
I’m not funny enough. My teeth are too crooked. My house isn’t full of expensive things. I don’t wear designer brands so I’m not legit. Those are all lies I’ve had to overcome in my own life, things that have hindered me in the past from believing in who I am & what I’m capable of. Honestly, things I genuinely don’t care about anymore thanks to the grace of God! I am Olivia Fitzpatrick – first a wife, then a mother & lastly a stylist. I’m just a girl trying to live my best life – a life that leaves a legacy of honesty, kindness & inspiration. I hope to be a truer version of the love of Jesus than the Christians who think they’re worthy of throwing the first stone. I hope to be a relatable friend, mother, wife and business woman – a place others can find belonging & encouragement. My dream isn’t to be a famous stylist; my dream is to let the Lord work through me, my business & through my experience as a mom and simply hold on through the adventure! He is capable of doing more with my life than I could ever hope, dream or imagine! My only concern these days is if I’m positioned and ready for Him to use at any moment, whether it’s in my kids lives, a strangers or in my work. I might not always love certain things about myself but I will give Him the room to help me see myself & others through His eyes to the best of my ability.
Photog: @kelseyhettinga ❤️

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Photo taken at: Grand Rapids, Michigan

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