Blog :

The sunshine feels so happy! I’m thankful for hikes, bikes, water balloon fights, cold drinks, warm fires, the beach, friends & family. I’m thankful for fresh fruits and the farmers who gather them, for the rain and the soil. I’m thankful I can buy what I need for my family, watch Scott continue to work & for the hammock I got for Mother’s Day. I’m thankful for books and board games. I’m thankful for people who bring light to the world & continue to smolder the darkness. I’m thankful for the word of God that offers hope and peace daily & for people around me that encourage me. I’m thankful for my life, for my kids and my husband. I want to live my life in a posture of gratitude, joy & hope and not be overcome by the hard things of this world. That’s all you’ll find here – no judgement or unnecessary agendas, just my heart with its vulnerabilities, transparency & honesty. ?

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Photo taken at: Carlsbad, California

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It will never be normal to hide your face from strangers, to bury your smile behind fear or a mask. I will never accept that as normal. We were created to be in relationship, to fight for the orphan and the widow, to bear a heart full of grace & compassion for others. We were created equal, there’s no justification for judgement or shame in creation the way God intended it. It’s not ok to wander past a stranger on the street and assume the worst, it’s not ok to judge someone who is doing their best & never take the time to learn their story. Humans were created to thrive together and to show compassion and mercy, to love despite differences! This feels like an impossible time in our world but silencing fears & walking in peace with our neighbors is the only form of healing we’ve got to hold onto right now. Love your neighbor as you love yourself – in your mind what’s your worth? You have an opinion? You have a belief system? Good. So does your neighbor and it’s as worthy as yours. It isn’t shame and judgement that bring the world to freedom. It’s showing compassion, walking in patience, showing gentleness, using self control, finding joy & peace, treating others with kindness, goodness & love. Choose to be a splash of hope in your world.
#bealight #standup #showlove #loveothers #nojudgement #noshame #liveinpeace #peace #patience #kindness #faithfulness #loveyourneighbor #compassion #peoplematter #alllivesmatter #sandiego

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Photo taken at: Carlsbad, California

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These babes! They make me feel like a crazy lady some days while others they have me convinced I’m the most admired, strongest woman in the world! As long as I have the chance to, I will choose to stay in the moments that makes me feel the deepest with them – when I’m angry to my core I’ll stay and choose to extend extra grace, when I’m excited I’ll get up and dance to make my kiddos giggle and stay there lingering in the silliness. When bed time rolls around and I’m exhausted I’ll choose to stay, snuggle & always pray for their hearts. When they’re angry, I’ll sit in silence offering them a safe place to talk when they’re ready. Part of being able to stay in those moments is learning where the weak spots are in me & allowing the friction I feel with my kids & the grace of God to dissolve them instead of becoming overrun by them. I want to always remember that my littles are learning from me, they’re taking something away from every moment, every interaction with me. I’ve only got a short season to be the mom I want to be while they’re little. They test my patients, my self control, my sanity & sometimes I fail miserably and like adults, children deserve respect and part of that is acknowledging when I’m wrong and saying I’m sorry. It’s not my favorite thing to embrace the personal challenges that come with the motherhood – growth is rarely a comfortable process – but you better believe I will always accept the challenge and give myself grace the same way I would with them. Being a mom is brutal and beautiful, consuming and liberating and I wouldn’t change a single moment of it! .
#mothersday #momlife #mom #greatest #happymommy #mybabes #littles #kids #mommyandme #mama #mamabear

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Photo taken at: San Marcos, California

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