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Don’t be predictable with your style, add splashes of unexpected color and print, a hair scarf or pair of earrings a little outside of your comfort zone. Even if no one else notices, do it for you! (Chances are they will notice and they’ll feel inspired by your guts to give it a go!) Add something that you love but have been too nervous to try – most of the time you’ll feel more excited and confident the longer you wear it. Style isn’t about a certain shirt or accessory, it’s a representation of who you are! What words would you choose to describe your style? How about the words you would use to describe your personality? There is rarely just one word for either because we aren’t defined by one element, we are intricate and wonderfully complex! Just as our wardrobes should be! ? @kaleighdsimmonsphoto

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•”In life we can dread the sacrifice or we can anticipate the reward.”• Ya know when you hear something that seems to bust through your chest and grab ahold of your heart? Those little truths are the stepping stones through seasons of my life. They’re the pefect bite sized but profound truths that shift my perspective just enough to keep me moving forward & my heart in check. That quote from @christybwright got me!! How many times are we so focused on the sacrifices we have to make that the reward is hardly visible? Dang girl, if there’s anything I’ve learned through starting a business it is that the reward MUST stay front and center, when it gets cloudy there’s suddenly all this space for doubt and fear to completely hinder momentum. Of course there are areas where certain sacrifices must be balanced with wisdom – for me, my kids top the charts. Sacrificing the year I have left before West starts school is front and center, I won’t sacrifice that time with him… but I WILL balance it because both he & my growing business hold reward! I can’t get that year with him back but it also doesn’t become my excuse not to DO what is in my heart to do. When I choose to work away from home it doesn’t mean that I’m a bad mom or that I’m sacrificing all my mama responsibilities; it mean that I’m equally valuing myself as a woman and business owner and making money to help support my family is good both for them and for me! And can I just say mamas, I’ve heard the ‘shoulds’ about being a full time stay at home mom… it’s hard to ignore them and stay confident that what you’re doing is right for you & your family. For those of you called to the full time at home role, BLESS YOU! Flourish there, your sacrifice will be honored! And for those of you like me, don’t let anyone squelch your fire for being mama and boss, you are graced to do it! Find your balance, weigh your sacrifices, be mama when your babes need you & boss when there’s peace in your home! I believe in you, sincerely. Keep doing what you are called to do and be fierce at it! ? @kaleighdsimmonsphoto

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Photo taken at: Grand Rapids, Michigan

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Sweat pants, check. Ankle boots, always. (Pretend you see fishnets on those bare ankles, I couldn’t find mine. ?) Laying on the cold ground to get a picture of my legs all twisty and perched for a photo… well, sure! What the heck!
PC: @kaleighdsimmonsphoto

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I’m Liv, the owner of LivStyled & eater of all the chips. Here’s a little intro for those of you new to my insta fam, thanks for being here! I’m such a people person, guys! My mom tells a story of a wee-me at the beach trying to make friends with other kiddos and simply shrugging it off when I wasn’t welcomed with open arms. I’d say that’s a pretty accurate take on the full sized me, too! Although as adults we’ve all endured a lot & so many of us have been too hurt to really let our guard down and let others get close. It’s those people I really have a heart for, the ones who need a safe place to land. We all have a story and every single one of them is valuable and worth sharing. My story starts in a very small town where I learned to shoot paper cups off of tree branches from the front porch my dad built on our barn shaped home. I was a wild little country girl! I remember laying outside in the pitch black near the weepy willows while the frogs and crickets sang their songs and we watched stars shoot through the sky! We ended up losing that house to a fire, a fire we tried to put out with bowls of water from the sinks & bathtub. It’s crazy that we don’t choose the moments of our lives that leave a lasting mark, but we CAN choose what kind of mark they’ll leave.
I bake without a timer, love a good murder podcast & take cream &
sugar in my coffee. My kids are little wonders, they each have really beautiful hearts! There are 3 more of our babies up in Heaven, I never imagined that there would be a few I wouldn’t get to watch grow up. I also never imagined that healing from something so painful would ever come – but it has.
My favorite color is green & I can’t help but laugh at fart jokes like a 10 year old boy. I hope to be one of those volunteers that holds babies in the nicu – yes, that’s real! Sign me up!
Natural sunlight is like medicine for my soul, I miss feeling its warmth year round since moving away from Ca.
I still go out dancing because I love it so much & lets be real, I’ll be doing it until I can’t walk anymore.
I really love coke in a glass bottle with a lime & every single day I remind the Lord how thankful I am that He gave me life!

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Photo taken at: Grand Rapids, Michigan

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Heeeeey it’s LivStyled in a magazine!! Big thank you to @grmagazine & @missykblack for this stellar feature of my business for Grand Rapids Magazine!! The article is an on point introduction to my business & I’m one grateful girlboss! For the full article and to learn about a few other local GR ladies click the link in my bio!
I am so proud to offer Grand Rapids a little more style, the best is yet to come!! ?

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Color, pattern, bold lip! 3 things that make my heart beat a little faster! What is it in your wardrobe that you squeal over!? Your style isn’t for anyone but you! What makes YOU feel amazing? If it’s incorporating new trends then how can you do it in a way that supports your personal style & maintains your uniqueness? If something is off season but you still want to wear it, how can you style it in to continue wearing it through the changing seasons? These can be tricky questions to answer! Sometimes all it takes is a short conversation and someone who can see through the closet chaos to find a pattern – It’s me!!! A common misconception of hiring a personal stylist is that we spend more time shopping then working with what you already have, maybe for some – but not for me! We start with what you’ve got, highlight the areas you’re doing things well & make a plan together to execute your goals for both your wardrobe & your pocketbook! ?

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Where there’s a sliver of light, there you’ll find me. Both literally & figuratively. I love the sun! I also love a solid belly bouncing laugh. I don’t typically dwell on hardships for too long (this seems Iike an appropriate time to throw in a TSwift shake it off reference – I freaking love her!) or allow much space in my heart for lingering unrest. But let’s be real – some days I just can’t shake those looming, dark emotions. If you’re anything like me then resorting to retail therapy, crying AND eating all the Reese’s & Doritos possible makes everything numb up pretty well! Until you’re running to the bathroom with a sick belly & you’re mad at yourself for indulging on TOP of the raging emotions. I don’t have it all together all of the time, who does?! I ache for more friend time, more adventures & less pressure to keep up with whatever imaginary expectations I think have been placed on me. But shoot, when I decide to stop embracing hopelessness & start to seek & pursue peace, it always surprises me how quickly I’m reminded that this life goes how I allow it to. And I will, to the best of my ability, shake things the eff off and press into Jesus where I find the fulfillment of all joy! I will give myself space to feel, to process & identify the upset and then move through it, not live in it.

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Red! Leopard print! Leather! Faux fur! 4 of my favorite things. ?@aliceandolivia is one of my favs for their eclectic vibes. I’m a texture and color person through & through! The more you mix the two the happier I am!

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Photo taken at: A.K. RIKK’S

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Is this for real?! I’ve launched the official logo for LivStyled and YES I’m feeling all kinds of excited!! Cheers to turning corners, to dreaming & DOING! Cheers to pushing through challenges and digging in a little deeper, to not giving up or talking myself out of a big, scary step forward! I hood tight to the verse in Zechariah 4:10 that says, “Do not despise small beginnings, the Lord delights to see the work begin.” Small beginnings are so necessary – there is so much to learn before we are ready for the next step forward and I’ll be the first to say that small & faithful beginnings produce life! Along with this logo (designed by @djorn0 ?) I designed a FREE ‘Wardrobe Basics checklist’ available on my website! Go get it girl!! #livstyled

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My little gal + me. ? ? @kaleighdsimmonsphoto

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Photo taken at: Grand Rapids, Michigan

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