Blog : standup

It will never be normal to hide your face from strangers, to bury your smile behind fear or a mask. I will never accept that as normal. We were created to be in relationship, to fight for the orphan and the widow, to bear a heart full of grace & compassion for others. We were created equal, there’s no justification for judgement or shame in creation the way God intended it. It’s not ok to wander past a stranger on the street and assume the worst, it’s not ok to judge someone who is doing their best & never take the time to learn their story. Humans were created to thrive together and to show compassion and mercy, to love despite differences! This feels like an impossible time in our world but silencing fears & walking in peace with our neighbors is the only form of healing we’ve got to hold onto right now. Love your neighbor as you love yourself – in your mind what’s your worth? You have an opinion? You have a belief system? Good. So does your neighbor and it’s as worthy as yours. It isn’t shame and judgement that bring the world to freedom. It’s showing compassion, walking in patience, showing gentleness, using self control, finding joy & peace, treating others with kindness, goodness & love. Choose to be a splash of hope in your world.
#bealight #standup #showlove #loveothers #nojudgement #noshame #liveinpeace #peace #patience #kindness #faithfulness #loveyourneighbor #compassion #peoplematter #alllivesmatter #sandiego

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Photo taken at: Carlsbad, California

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What if she could be saved BEFORE she enters a life of trafficking?! It is an honor to partner with @lovejusticeintl to bring awareness and opportunity to make a difference in the lives of people around the world! Did you know that 24-40 million people are in slavery around the world? That is absolutely horrific. LoveJusticeInternational steps in during the process of trafficking to rescue women BEFORE they’re tricked into a life of slavery. They have saved over 13,500 lives… YOU GUYS!! We have the chance to be the hands and feet of Jesus, even if that’s simply investing in & equipping people like LoveJustice to be able to continue to do their work! It costs a little over $100/month to save a life, to SAVE A LIFE! I am moved and shaken by this organization and hope you feel a tug in your heart to support them!
Why ‘Project Beautiful’?
“We believe every life is beautiful.
She is a child of God, and He knows her by name.
She is worth everything to Him.
She is not just a victim.
She is human. She is precious.
She deserves to be free.
Because every life is beautiful.”
?: @kelseyhettinga
#projectbeautiful #projectbeautifulpartner #maydayforjustice
#moderndayslavery #humanrights

Instagram filter used: Clarendon

Photo taken at: Grand Rapids, Michigan

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