Blog : selfdoubt

Yeah, I get stuck in (effing, cuz these kinds of ruts deserve a swear word) clothing ruts too. Sometimes I try something new, look at myself in the mirror & OLIVIA!! All the bad thoughts come flooding in like a freight train. Walking out of the house feeling uninspired & self conscious sets a real positive tone for the day, doesn’t it? No thanks! But this is what I’ve come to understand about clothes, they’re just like every other relationship we have. We search for security, comfort, safety, inspiration & identity in them. They help to shape us into who we want to become & what we believe about ourselves. I want my clothing to offer security in areas I might not always feel good about. And all relationships need to be kept in check right?! I mean if home girl is stirring up some trouble you walk away! You (ideally, I know that’s not always easy) set boundaries to protect your heart. Typically we are drawn to people who make us feel inspired, understood, free & alive – people we feel proud to be seen with! Insert your wardrobe here… if you start your every day off feeling depleted, uninspired & self conscious then your relationship needs to change for your own well being. People and clothing should not becoming a hinderance to your potential or your overall health & beliefs about yourself. I am not a stylist just for the glamor (but let’s be real I def drool over the fancy things), I am a stylist because I believe in your potential and that your clothing is a major way of unlocking it! Set a boundary with your clothing like you would with someone who’s stealing your joy, get rid of them. They’re not worth keeping close if all they do is hurt you. ? @kaleighdsimmonsphoto

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What makes your heart light on fire? What is it that you start talking about faster and louder with whole hearted excitement!? Girl, chase it down!! Hold on tight, let the fire inside of you ignite it in other women who need it too! You hold something more special, more wild & untamable than you know – your heart! Your ability to be YOU! No one else could ever fill the (sparkly, leather, red, sassy, comfy) shoes that were designed just for you! You’re fierce, don’t cave to comparison! You’re strong, tell self doubt to shut the heck up! You’re full of fire, fuel it with people in your tribe who love & support you! And don’t hold yourself back, you weren’t given a spirit of fear but of love, Power & a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7)! Be fierce, be strong, be full of fire!

Instagram filter used: Lark

Photo taken at: Grand Rapids, Michigan

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