I am feeling all the feels today! Today, right now, at this very moment I am marking a significant moment in my career! I am SO proud to share with you, my website!! www.livstyled.com
*I also decided to some blogging from the heart!*
I guess I never really understood the vulnerability that is attached to creating a website, an image, a brand that represents who you are. I am thrilled and excited to share this journey with you all and feel the deepest gratitude from all of the support I have received from SO many of you since the beginning and even before that! So, here she is! My newest baby! I have BIG vision for LivStyled & have held tight to a verse in Zechariah 4, “Do not despise small beginnings, for the Lord delights to see the work begin!” This is just the beginning!! I can’t wait to hear what you all think! XO!!

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Photo taken at: Grand Rapids, Michigan

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